"Transfer Package" Helps Make the Most of Stroke Rehabilitation

Posted by Dr. El - April 13, 2010 - Communication, Psychology Research Translated, Transitions in care - 5 Comments

There’s an interesting article about stroke rehabilitation by Tori DeAngelis in the March 2010 issue of the Monitor on Psychology. In “New help for stroke survivors,” she writes about research showing that a “transfer package” is an essential component in maintaining the gains of inpatient rehab once the patient returns home. The transfer package includes elements such as “behavioral contracts, progress diaries, phone calls with their therapists and physical restraint of the arm outside the training setting.”
I believe some of these elements could be easily generated by the nursing home rehab staff prior to departure, such as a behavioral contract, and others could be implemented through a stroke-oriented support group following discharge. Residents would benefit if nursing home staff helped connect them to online and in person support groups prior to discharge.
There are several organizations that provide information and support for stroke survivors. I’ve listed some of them below: