The Twilight Years

Posted by Dr. El - December 5, 2011 - Anecdotes, For Fun - 3 Comments

She sat quietly in her wing chair, lost in thought .  Hearing my knock and spying me standing in the doorframe, she sighed.  “You might as well come in, but I have nothing to say.”

“That’s what you tell me every week, and then you talk my ear off!” I teased her.

She smiled.  “That’s true.”

“You seem like you’ve got a lot on your mind,” I said, settling down on the chair across from her.  Her face looked tired and was devoid of color.

She nodded.  “It’s that Arthur.  He’s come visiting again.”  She rubbed her swollen knuckles, and elaborated on her pains.  “I wish that Mr. Itis would leave me alone, but I guess I’ve got to live with him.”  She sighed, and then looked at me brightly.  “My niece took me out to the movies this weekend!”

“Really!  What did you see?”

“Well, she said it was My Day, so we went to see that vampire movie, even though she’d seen it twice already.”

“Twilight?”  I was surprised.

“Yes, that’s the one!”  Her voice sounded chipper.  “Oh, honey, there was a scene where a couple spent the night together and afterward, that room was just torn up!  What did he do to her, I wondered, but she said she had the night of her life.”


“Oh, yes.”  She paused for emphasis. “Honey, that’s My Man!”

We both laughed out loud.

I love this job.