Resident Council Meetings: What are they?

Posted by Dr. El - June 17, 2009 - Resident/Family councils - No Comments

Prequel to a Three-Part Series

For those of you who don’t know what a Resident Council Meeting is, I offer this brief explanation. If you have additional information about the meetings, please add it to the comments section.

Each floor/unit/neighborhood of the nursing home has a resident who acts as the representative to whom others on the floor can bring their concerns. The representatives gather on a monthly basis to address the issues, and all residents of the facility are welcome. The meeting is conducted by a staff leader, often the Therapeutic Recreation or Social Work Director, and it’s closed to other staff members except by invitation. Problems addressed can range from the temperature of the water in the shower room, to issues around recreational programming, to staffing concerns. The goal is to give the residents a voice in the nursing home community.

Part One: Why Most Resident Council Meetings in Nursing Homes are a Sham

Part Two: How to Run Effective Resident Council Meetings

Part Three: For Residents: Reclaiming the Resident Council
